Opening hours:
Tue–Fri 12–5 PM Sat 12–4 PM Mon–Sun Closed
Västra Trädgårdsgatan

Goldin+Senneby Secrets of Trade December 1 —December 22 2017


Money, Mystery, Light and Shadow

Never before has an art exhibition consisted of reenactments and portrayals of the global economy as it plays out before us in real time. Art and money have been joined at the hip for at least half a millennium. This is a well-known fact, but one that few are willing to state out loud. Over ten years’ time, the artist duo Goldin+Senneby have applied their own unique practice to create pieces that have almost undetectably, through established methods, managed to infiltrate, torpedo, and expose the most mystified and elitist of all spaces: the worlds of finance and art.

The fact that they are currently participating in and co-curating the critically acclaimed exhibition Manipulate the World at Moderna Museet seems entirely logical. Simon Goldin and Jakob Senneby prefer not to make public appearances in person. Instead, they use chosen spokespersons (a practice not uncommon among major corporations).This catalogue features interviews with three of these collaborators and proxies:

Angus Cameron, an economics professor from Leicester, Paul Leong, an investment banker from New York, and Maria Lind, the director of Tensta konsthall. There is also a longer essay by legal scholar and curator David Kim. 

CFHILL is incredibly proud to be the venue for the first commercial exhibition by Goldin+Senneby. After successful institutional exhibitions in places like the Sao Paulo Biennal, Moderna Museet, and the Gwangju biennal, the circle will be made complete with this exhibition. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell what is art and what is real. And this is what makes Goldin+Senneby one of the most innovative practices in the world of art today. It is a little strange, though, how dark secrets, algorithms, and sawn-in-half 17th century moneylenders’ tables can possess such breathtaking beauty. Welcome to the Goldin+Senneby era!

Introduction to Money, Mystery, Light and Shadow

  Text by Michael Elmenbeck, Anna-Karin Pusic and Michael Storåkers. November 30, 2017.