• Riddargatan 13 (Armémuseum, Entrance J (to the right of the main entrance)
    Stockholm, Sweden
  • @cfhillofficial
Opening hours:
Closed Feb 15–20 Tue–Fri 12–5 PM Sat 12–4 PM Mon–Sun Closed

Christine Ödlund

We are pleased to present works by Christine Ödlund in our showroom in connection with the release of a her new publication, Growing the Third Ear Under the Great Astral Mother Tree. 

With an intense fascination for the vegetal world, Ödlund’s work aims to bridge the language barrier between plants and humans. Through her research, she has developed a profound appreciation of the vast intelligence of plants. She approaches this wondrous world of communication between living beings from inside as well as outside the field of science. In this series of works Ödlund moves into another realm where developing a Third Ear is possible — and becomes a listener, a hearer.

The title of this book, Growing the Third Ear Under the Great Astral Mother Tree, refers to something that the artist has been occupied with for many years. Oscillating between music, metaphysics, art, science, and philosophy, Christine Ödlund has been searching for a method of tuning her mental setting away from the common idea of mind-body dualism, towards other ways of relating to the world and our being in the Universe: the high-voltage phenomenon of existence.  

Christine Ödlund

 February 17, 2022.

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