Martina Müntzing Works created in interplay with Aase Berg’s book of essays Spöket
November 29, 2022
Martina Müntzing
Works created in interplay with Aase Berg’s book of essays Spöket
We are pleased to present works by Martina Müntzing created in interplay with Aase Berg’s book of essays Spöket (The Ghost), published in 2022 by Kaunitz-Olsson.
In her raw and dazzlingly beautiful prose, Aase Berg writes about the relationship between man and animal. She explores man's unrequited love of animals, the fragile and treacherous power relationship that arises when adopting a pet, and the otherworldly sense of interaction that can come out of the forced cohabitation with animals. Martina Müntzing’s works engage with and respond to these questions, bringing another layer of sensitivity to Berg’s prose.
Müntzing’s painting expresses a deep obsession with time and the sublime. She depicts her subjects with an astonishing sense of detail and nearly invisible brushstrokes, suspended in a vaguely defined space.
Martina Müntzing (b. 1968 in Helsingborg) studied at the Royal Insitute of Art and at Munka-ljungby folkhögskola. Her work has been exhibited at venues such as the Royal Academy of Art in Stockholm, Uppsala Art Museum, Liljevalchs, and Millesgården. In 2001, she was a resident at the IASPIS studio in London. She has created several public commissions for the Swedish Parliament, Stockholm University, and Uppsala University Hospital. Müntzing’s work is represented in the collections of Moderna Museet, Norrköping Art Museum, the Swedish Public Art Agency, and the municipal collections of Stockholm, Uppsala, and Skåne.
Aase Berg (b. 1967 in Stockholm) made her debut in 1997 with the collection of poems Hos rådjur (With Deer). It was followed by a trilogy exploring motherhood, of which the collection of poems Forsla fett which was nominated to the prestigious August Prize. Berg also works as a literature critic and has received the Lagercrantzen award designated by Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet’s literature award. In 2020, Berg release her first novel Haggan.

Martina Müntzing Works created in interplay with Aase Berg’s book of essays Spöket

Martina Müntzing Bokmärke, 2022, Gouache på papper, 48,2 x 39,2 cm ramad
Martina Müntzing Utan titel, 2022, Gouache på papper, 48,2 x 39,2 cm ramad
Martina Müntzing Belgien, 2022, Gouache på papper, 48,2 x 39,2 cm ramad
Martina Müntzing Envägskommunikation, 2022, Gouache på papper, 48,2 x 39,2 cm ramad
Martina Müntzing Traveller’s Club, 2022, Gouache på papper, 39,7 x 57,3 cm ramad
Martina Müntzing We come in Peace, 2022, Gouache på papper, 48,2 x 39,2 cm ramad
Martina Müntzing Psycho, 2022, Gouache på papper, 48,2 x 39,2 cm ramad
Martina Müntzing Tears in rain, 2022, Gouache på papper, 48,2 x 39,2 cm ramad
Martina Müntzing Urtidssorg, 2022, Gouache på papper, 39,2 x 48,2 ramad
Martina Müntzing Kinbaku, 2022, Gouache på papper, 39,2 x 48,2 ramad
Martina Müntzing Spöket, 2022, Gouache på papper, 63,2 x 45,3 cm ramad
Martina Müntzing Utavel (rymdkrogen), 2022, Gouache på papper, 39,2 x 48,2 cm ramad
Martina Müntzing Tronföljd, 2022, Gouache på papper, 48,2 x 39,2 cm ramad
Martina Müntzing De okläckta kycklingarnas balett, 2022, Gouache på papper, 48,2 x 39,2 cm ramad
Martina Müntzing Krig och fred, 2022, Gouache på papper, 40,5 x 31,5 cm ramad
Martina Müntzing Ensamheter, 2022, Gouache på papper, 48,2 x 39,2 cm ramad